the shining hero

yuga aoyama: the hero

aoyamas quirk is called "navel laser" and its name is self explanitory, he can shoot beams of light out of his belly button. he uses this mostly as an attack but also uses it as a way to propel himself and is seen using it as a beacon of light in the sky to gather his teammates attention of his location. now onto his hero suit, the metal of his armor works as a way to connect his power to his shoulder and knees in order to also shoot his beams out of those areas. he has a flamboyant visor on to protect his eyes from the brightness of his laser... his cape serves no funtion. all of this giving him a knight in shining armor look that matches the way he acts towards others. his quirk doesnt allow him much melee combat skills and works much better at a range, though he can be seen being able to team up with others pretty well, such as tokoyami and hagakure. in fact, he ends up teaming up with hagekure in the future as her sidekick. oh yes, ive failed to mention his struggles with his quirk, though he seems to be able to use it pretty well there is a setback to it, it gives him a stomach ache when he uses it for too long. in order to offset this he can always be seen wearing a silver and gold belt, matching his hero suit, it also helps with his aiming as well.

yuga aoyama: the student

aoyama gets on well with his classmates, though he can be sort of a loner. he will purposefully eat alone in their classroom instead of the lunch room and rejects iidas offer to eat with him. he often gets brushed off during conversation too, this is unfortunate seeing as he loves attention. he is seen most often interacting with izuku than anyone else, and is also seen watching izuku in the night and leaving a message written out with cheese. he seems to have an affinity towards cheese for some reason... i guess cuz its fancy just like him. aoyama is quite observant and likes watching people it seems, or rather he just happens to end up on the sidelines. for example, he caught that uraraka had a crush on izuku before she even realized it herself. not to mention he is shown consistently getting ranked for tournaments and tests at a lower level than most of his peers, dispite this he barely scrapes by but he does seem to be getting better slowly. he placed 14th in the quirk apprehension test, so his abilities seem to be mediocre at best. his actions at nabu island attracted the attention of the equipped hero: yoroi musha and began his internship under the former top 9th pro hero. i suppose that should go into the hero section but whatever.

yuga aoyama: the person

phew ok, where to start... spoilers ahead by the way. as i said in the student section he is quite a loner but this was secretly more so his own choice. it was revealed he was actually the ua traitor and was leaking information to all for one about details and locations of his class. the reason he was a mole for afo was because he was born quirkless and seeing this his parents were desperate to make him fit in with others his age, so they went to afo and asked him to grant their son with a quirk. this quirk ended up not suitable for his body and thats why he has issues with it and the whole stomach ache thing. this is also why he was always acting off towards izuku, they were both sides of the same coin, izuku getting his quirk from one for all and aoyama getting his quirk from all for one. in exchange for the gift from afo to his family he made them in his dept and told aoyama to become a hero at ua so he could get information from the people closest to one for all. after getting caught he was held and bound till they could figure out what to do with him, dispite what aoyama was saying the class chose to forgive him in the end, aizawa also chooses to forgive him later on when interrogating him. oh my god the interrogation. im gonna die. anyways. aoyama was held in a cell while everyone was figuring out what to do, and aizawa began talking to him, asking just what he was afraid of. of course his answer was afo and his fear of death, besides this he tells aizawa to let him run somewhere far away and just die. saying he was a terrible villian that couldnt be forgiven because he feared he would do the same thing over again to them, he also said this to izuku. what the fuck. aizawa manages to convince aoyama to continue living and fight all for one, saying that they will always have his back and will protect him. his fears and insecurities has led him to every single choice hes made, but finally he begins moving forward with hope. he chooses to leave ua after this and becomes a pro hero on his own. in which he is succsessful. ok... now on to me ranting about him. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ILL DIE!!!!!! alot of the information in this one was a bit too long but idc at all i love him.